Breaking News - Bush: One of the Worst Disasters to Hit the U.S.

The FDA says there's no -- zilch, zero, nada -- shred of medicinal value to the evil weed marijuana. This is going to be a setback to the long-haired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking crowd.

-- Rush Limbaugh on his radio show, April 21, 2006

7 days later ...

Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 18:31:02 -0400
From: CNN Breaking News

-- Rush Limbaugh arrested on prescription drug charges and released on bail, law enforcement officials in Florida, tell AP.

Music for Monkey
Highlights include the Unofficial Cows Page, Nashville Pussy photos, an old interview with Lou Barlow (from my old Skin Flute Music Magazine which one of these I will convert more stuff to online format), the ole Heavy Johnson Trio website archived in its entirety (including the famous Mike Watt pix), and an Internet radio show I did once.

Bubba's Calendar
Got a calendar of interesting events for you if you are in Bubba's town, that being Portland, Oregon.

Bubba Wuz Here
Places Bubba has lived ... not just lived, but lived to tell about it also.

Funky Monkey
Right now there's only one item on this page, but there's plenty more funky stuff where that comes from.
